Thursday, March 08, 2007

Girls, Girls, Girls!

So they tell us we're having a girl. I mean, my son and daughter- in-law-to-be (DIL2B) are having a girl. I tried to post the ultrasound pic that supposedly tell us about the girl part but it wouldn't post. I am soooo technologically challenged. Anyway, if you're like me, you have to take the ultrasound tech's word for it. I sure can't tell by looking at the picture. I did manage to count her fingers and toes though..

Sooooo, somewhere around July 19th, we'll be welcoming Reagan Nicole to the looneybin-----I mean, family. I'm actually starting to get a little excited. I hope she has hair. Girly had so much hair, everyone thought she was older than she was. She came out with a full head.

Now this is a picture I can post.

This is Kelly Elizabeth. One of my best friends, brought her home from Wuhan in the Hubei Province of China over the Xmas holidays. They got her on Xmas day! Wasn't Santa good to them this year?! She is such a cutie!! And sooo funny! She's been home with her mom, dad and older brother and sister a little over two months now. They are having their ups and downs with attachment issues, but are working thru it.

We hope to inherit all of her squeaky shoes!!


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