Saturday, January 06, 2007


So I've chewed on this grandparent thing, regurgitated it, swallowed it back down and come to this conclusion. I'm not so upset that there is a baby on the way, as I'm upset to be the grandparent......, not the aunt, godmother, etc.

I have to admit, I have nothing to be upset about because that would be hypocritical. I was 23 when Son was born, and the circumstances were somewhat similar. I had no clue what was going on and the responsibility which is involved, but I managed(with a wonderful support system), and all worked out for the best. Our kids will be all right too. Both have good heads (most of the time), goals for life and work very hard to try to achieve.

What bothers me is that I am not ready to be a grandma. I'm only 46. I know for most people that sounds outrageous, but I have always preached to my kids that people that are prepared, planned and organized don't get married until they're 25 or have babies until they're 30. I thought they believed me. So I figured I had a few years to adjust... I guess that's hypocrital in itself, but it was just my way to try and make sure that they are ready for all the responsibilities of adulthood before they are actually hit with the package.

But I love my Son with a vengeance and I love Girlfriend too. They have been together for almost five years and she is a part of this family. I don't think either of them have a clue what they are in for, but really, were any of us? Regardless of our age, maturity level, financial status? We learn from experience. As my parents were by my side every step of the way, so will husband and I be. Well, as soon as it fully registers in his brain and consciousness... he has yet to acknowledge the situation.....But it will come.

We have friends that are already grandparents more than one time over, so it will come to him and he will be a great Pappy. But I will not, I repeat, I will not be Grandma and he will not be Grandpa... We will be Grammy and Pappy. Sounds pretty Kentucky typical? We were already calling ourselves that with the dogs so what's the difference, except diapers?

To think, just a few months ago, I was trying to convince Husband that we should consider adoption.....because I was grieving for my lost mommydom....From now on I need to keep my fat mouth shut. This just goes to show, you have to be careful what you wish for..


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