Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Happy Aniversary to Us!

Today is our wedding anniversary. We know for sure because we both checked the framed invitation sitting on a end table in our livingroom.

Long ago in a galaxy far, far away..... I met Husband thru a mutual friend who he just happened to be casually dating at the time. They fizzled (actually I don't think the match ever got lit) and we started hanging out.

We knew each other about 18 months before we got married. I'll never forget his romantic proposal.

"Well, I'm almost 30. I think it's about time I got married. Do you wanna?"

What a heartfelt, thoughtout proposal.

I think I said something like,,,,

"Mmmmm, why not?"

Later on we went and bought a ring. When he picked it up he brought it over to me dropped it in my lap and said:

"Don't say I never give you anything."

Another well executed romanticism.

But that's okay. We mesh well.

So, what are we doing on this glorious evening?

Well, we're all working on Girly's math fair project which is due tomorrow. She's known about it for a month but has just started on it the last couple of days.

So, we won't be going out on a date or even having a cozy dinner at home. We're eating leftovers and working on a trifold display about, of all things, Wind Velocity. Can you believe she chose this subject? Then thanks to the fact that I work with a bunch of geeky pocket protecting engineers, we'll be building a weather vane per their instructions. (Thanks Justin and Wes!)

Isn't marriage magnificent?

Believe it or not, I truly think so.

Foghorn Leghorn?

So, did you watch last night?

As I watched all I could think was this....

Yes, I know. Senjaya's faux hawk was bigger. But he was so cocksure of himself.

Now, not only can he not sing well enough to be in this league, but he's developed an attitude.

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Mowgli or Malakar?

The local radio morning DJ's that I listen to came up with this comparison.


Mowgli from Disney's "The Jungle Book"

I think they hit the nail on the head. But I bet Mowgli sings better.

Who the hell is voting for this kid? I've got nothing against him personally, but Stephanie was a better singer/entertainer.

The whole concept of this competition has lost its credibility.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

So Kick Me Already

But not too hard... I didn't watch the whole show.

I missed the last three, Gina, Chris S. and Melinda. Girly said Gina stunk. I'm sorry about that 'cause I really like her.

But Holy Cow, now even the judges have been brainwashed!

Even they were giving Senjaya kudos last night. It must be some sort of virus. had this to say this morning.
"Sanjaya Malakar, 17, Federal Way, Wash.: Malakar wasn’t great this week, but at least he was entertaining, and even made one girl in the audience cry. Singing the Kinks’ “You Really Got Me” allowed him to strut his stuff and wander into the crowd. Of course, Malakar doesn’t make a very convincing Kink, nor does the tough guy outfit do much for him. But the judges were nice to him for the first time since the auditions, so at least it worked for them.
Grade: C Stay or go? If Malakar moves the rest of the audience like he did the one sobbing fan, he might win the competition. That’s doubtful, though, so he’s still in trouble. "
I have to agree with the author. And I think he's being pretty darn nice.
And why in the world did the cameraman focus on that sobbing little girl in the audience? For all we know, she may have been crying because her dog just died. I feel for her though, because she's really going to take some heat from her school peers. 10-11 year old boys are going to jump on this one.
What's the world coming to?

Thursday, March 15, 2007

I've Been Blinged!!

My blog has been blinged!!

Thanks so much to Sara of for hooking me up!

I've been reading her blog for many months about her journey to become Mia Lin's mommy. She is so honest and refreshing..and pretty funny too. She is really on top of her game.

Now that I'm all gussied up, maybe the big bloggy kids will let me play!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

On a lighter note...American Idol

Sanjaya's hair last night.


I swear if he's not gone after this week I'm not watching... Kick me if I do.

To Vaccinate or Not to Vaccinate, That Is The Question....

Well, we did it. Last week I took Girly in for her next Hep A shot and they also gave her the first of the three Gardisil vaccines. I still have some reservations about doing this. Husband was for it, and didn't think it was a big deal, but I am only about 80%-90% comfortable with it.

Not because I'm some sort of prude and think this is going to invite her to have sex.. thinking she is safe from certain forms of herpes, etc... but because I just don't feel fully educated the vaccine. And in my mind, no one is yet.

Grant it, I was pretty ignorant about it back in the fall. I had taken Girly in for her 6th grade physical and we had a nurse pratictioner do the exam. In 24 years of going to the same pediatrician, I had never met this person. The NP just assumed that once given the photocopied handout about the vac, I would just go along with it.

I didn't.

I wasn't comfortable. I told her I would prefer to talk to my OB-GYN of many years to get more info and her take on the situation before I decided.

I must say I had already formed a less than favorable opinion of the NP. Upon learning that Girly had started her period the previous year, she proceeded to give her a lecture about peer pressure to have sex, never have sex with a boy unless you use a condom and some sort of birth control. Blah, blah....

I stood there totally dumbfounded. Once again, I am not a prude, quite the opposite. But it galled me that it was assumed that just because my daughter's newly 12 year old body is maturing at a rapid rate, that she's emotionally and mentally ready to run the gamut.
I'm her mother, I should know. Yes, she is pubescent, but she still has times where she plays with her stuff animals.. Of course, she may be listening to Fall Out Boy or Panic! At the Disco at the same time, but she is transitioning. As parents, we are walking her thru that process in her life.

It really pissed me off that the NP did not consult me before broaching this subject. I was totally ticked and Girly was embarassed. After we left, she even asked me,

"What did she think? That I'm some sort of you-know-what or something?"

I told her it was probably just the NP's procedure, and we would forget about it for a while. (A long while, I hope.) I wondered if my reaction was a little over the top, so I called DIL2B and asked her (she's 24 and hipper than me). She was outraged also. DIL2B said if a doctor or nurse had approached her at that age, she would have been just as bewildered as Girly. So I felt fairly vindicated for the wrath I thrust upon the NP as well as the vow I made to never, ever make an appointment at the Ped office and end up seeing that NP again. Just our regular doctors and NPs.

Anywho, that just contributed to me digging in my heals on the Gardisil vaccine. I worry about long term effects. How much do the powers at be really know about them? Are there any? What could they be?

My MIL took a particular drug in the 50's and 60's for sickness during pregnancy. I can't remember what is was, but now studies are showing that daughters born to women who took this drug have hormone deficiencies and other problems. Both of my SIL's have had fertility issues. My younger SIL (#1, because I like her better) lost her first child due to an incompetent cervix. My other SIL (#2, I like her less) has dealt with early onset menopause and was not able to expand her family as she wanted. The articles #1 SIL and I read state that these are symptoms of the hormonal deficiencies caused in female offspring of women who took this medication. I need to ask #1 what the name of that stuff was....

So I'm wondering... What am I doing to my daughter? Did I do the right thing? Should I have held off? I've started it now so I guess we'll finish.

Oh Geez... This is heavy stuff for today...

Anyone got an opinion?


Give it to me as long it makes me feel better about the decision.

Monday, March 12, 2007

New Picture of Our China Girl

Kelly's mom sent me this pic last night. She's wearing a poncho I made her with my own crafty little hands. I must say, she makes my sometimes sloppy handiwork look good. I should use her as my model.

Friday, March 09, 2007

Dawg! What' up America !!??

This is going to be short.

American Idol.

I may just have to quit watching.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Girls, Girls, Girls!

So they tell us we're having a girl. I mean, my son and daughter- in-law-to-be (DIL2B) are having a girl. I tried to post the ultrasound pic that supposedly tell us about the girl part but it wouldn't post. I am soooo technologically challenged. Anyway, if you're like me, you have to take the ultrasound tech's word for it. I sure can't tell by looking at the picture. I did manage to count her fingers and toes though..

Sooooo, somewhere around July 19th, we'll be welcoming Reagan Nicole to the looneybin-----I mean, family. I'm actually starting to get a little excited. I hope she has hair. Girly had so much hair, everyone thought she was older than she was. She came out with a full head.

Now this is a picture I can post.

This is Kelly Elizabeth. One of my best friends, brought her home from Wuhan in the Hubei Province of China over the Xmas holidays. They got her on Xmas day! Wasn't Santa good to them this year?! She is such a cutie!! And sooo funny! She's been home with her mom, dad and older brother and sister a little over two months now. They are having their ups and downs with attachment issues, but are working thru it.

We hope to inherit all of her squeaky shoes!!

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

American Idol Dudes

What is up with the fellas on American Idol?

None of them can sing. Over half of them warbled thru the songs last night, sounding even more amateur than their original auditions.

The two that sounded the best were the Blake dude and that Chris fella who went last. And the judges didn't care too much for either of them. Chris can't help that he is a body double for "Hurley" from Lost. But he can sing and he has a great public persona.

That Senjaya (???, I'm not gonna take the time to check the spelling), really creeps me out. He is so Michael Jacksonish, he's scary. His voice was really weak last night and has been all along. But he is a kid, so he has plenty of time to mature. I hope his male hormones kick in also.

And why was Simon picking on Phil's eyeballs? Yeah, it's Phil's fault he picked a bad song, but he sure can't help that he has bugeyes. Simon's comments were not constructive critique, but were just plain mean.

I'm beginning to ponder if there is some sort of set up... You know, a guy won the last time and a girl won the time it's time for another girl. Most of the girls are good. There are some weak ones who's days are obviously numbered, but after they're gone the real competition will start.

But anyway, I'll watch again tonight and tomorrow night (flipping back and forth from "Survivor", of course), cursing myself for being so interested in something so trivial.

But that's entertainment, I guess.