Need a Refresher on "the Reason for the Season"......
I cannot get excited this Xmas.
No matter what, it just seems more of a necessary irritating inconvenience than a joyful and happy celebration of life and family... I absolutely hate feeling like this.
We actually just put our tree up yesterday and it was just more work than fun. Our outside lights have been out for about two weeks (thanks only to Husband) but I haven't done anything to the inside of my house. No wreaths, nativity sets, etc... I'm such a blob.
I have always been one to get into the holiday season. I liked to decorate my house. I loved shopping for my kids and others. I've always been one of the those early bird shoppers... putting very sincere thought and effort into finding things for people that they would really be excited about. This year not only can I not come up with anything for people, but I just have no motivation to be original and thoughtful.(Holy crap, I'm just like my mother in law!!) I still got up and shopped at the crack of dawn on the day after Thanksgiving, but this year it was just such a chore.
Girly and I went to the mall yesterday but after an hour or so, I just had to get out of there. Too hot, too crowded and too nerve racking.... Sunday afternoon the week before Xmas is a bad time to go anyway, but I'm panicky and desperate. I'm probably going to take a vacation day Wed. or Thur. of this week to finish up...
The other side of the coin is that Xmas Day is usually the day I have my side of the family in for dinner, etc. I haven't planned or done a thing yet. My house needs a thorough cleaning, decorations need to be finished, wrapping done, menus planned and all that stuff. I would rather be on Survivors' Cook Islands. Let me crack open some slimy shellfish, hammer at a coconut, and fight the mosquitos. I need to lose 20 lbs anyway. Anything is preferential to tackling these Holiday responisbilities.
So what's wrong with me? This situation is worrisome... Have I just turned into an old crab? Am I clinically depressed? I need something to inspire me to get into the season.. I could probably enjoy myself if I could just hire someone to do all this stuff for me.
No matter what, it just seems more of a necessary irritating inconvenience than a joyful and happy celebration of life and family... I absolutely hate feeling like this.
We actually just put our tree up yesterday and it was just more work than fun. Our outside lights have been out for about two weeks (thanks only to Husband) but I haven't done anything to the inside of my house. No wreaths, nativity sets, etc... I'm such a blob.
I have always been one to get into the holiday season. I liked to decorate my house. I loved shopping for my kids and others. I've always been one of the those early bird shoppers... putting very sincere thought and effort into finding things for people that they would really be excited about. This year not only can I not come up with anything for people, but I just have no motivation to be original and thoughtful.(Holy crap, I'm just like my mother in law!!) I still got up and shopped at the crack of dawn on the day after Thanksgiving, but this year it was just such a chore.
Girly and I went to the mall yesterday but after an hour or so, I just had to get out of there. Too hot, too crowded and too nerve racking.... Sunday afternoon the week before Xmas is a bad time to go anyway, but I'm panicky and desperate. I'm probably going to take a vacation day Wed. or Thur. of this week to finish up...
The other side of the coin is that Xmas Day is usually the day I have my side of the family in for dinner, etc. I haven't planned or done a thing yet. My house needs a thorough cleaning, decorations need to be finished, wrapping done, menus planned and all that stuff. I would rather be on Survivors' Cook Islands. Let me crack open some slimy shellfish, hammer at a coconut, and fight the mosquitos. I need to lose 20 lbs anyway. Anything is preferential to tackling these Holiday responisbilities.
So what's wrong with me? This situation is worrisome... Have I just turned into an old crab? Am I clinically depressed? I need something to inspire me to get into the season.. I could probably enjoy myself if I could just hire someone to do all this stuff for me.
I just need to find my reason for the season...Right now it's elusive... Anybody got some inspiration to share??? As it stands now, Bah Humbug.....