Stressed Out
This Momma is stressed out.
DIL2B is at 2 centimeters at 36 weeks. Her doctor took her off of the Procardia yesterday, so I guess she can go anytime. We are still planning a baby shower this weekend. Maybe she'll be there and maybe she won't. Hell, if she's having the baby at that time, it's likely that I won't be there either! You just never know with these things. She could stick like this for weeks. So we're kinda on pins and needles.
Husband had his super Parish Picnic Saturday. It was a huge success. And a huge time and effort investment on our part. Both of us took off work all week just to prepare. Husband was literally up there 24/7. Hard work for everyone involved. And there were a lot of people who really put their hearts into it. I sure hope everyone gets the recognition they deserve.
Now I'm paying for tagging Sara! She tagged me. The gist is to reveal 4 new things you've learned or experienced in the past 4 years and then to name 4 new things you want to achieve, try or accomplish in the next 4 years.
So here it goes..
4 Things for the Next 4 years.
Number 1 - Retire. June of next year is my slated early retirement date. I will leave gov't service with 23 active years. It's been a fine ride but I want to go do something else for a while.
Number 2 - Start a new career. Something part time that pays like full time. Doesn't everybody want something like that? If anyone knows the career path for this, let me know.
Number 3 - Get involved in foster parenting, or Big Brothers/Big Sisters. Something along those lines. It breaks my heart to see or hear about neglected kids who have no positive direction or advantage in their lives. Children don't ask to be brought into this world, they are innocents.
Number 4 - Gut my kitchen and back end of my house or travel a lot more. I'll have to choose which one. Unless I hit the lottery, I won't have the money to do both.
Now for the other side of the coin. 4 things I've figured out in the last 4 years.
Number 1 - Having a preteen daughter is both a trial and a blessing. I've always heard that raising a boy is very different from raising a girl. They weren't kidding. Hormones, drama, hysterics......Then at the same time we can have a really good time together. Peaks and valleys... But, man...those valleys can get deep. She's my daughter and my best friend.
Number 2 - I'm realizing I did a pretty decent job of raising my first child. Many times over the years I have questioned whether I have been a good parent. But, amazingly, he's turned out pretty darn good. He makes me proud.
Number 3 - I have come to realize that I'm aging. OH NO! This is not supposed to happen. I was talking to someone the other day about my upcoming birthday and totally got my age all wrong. I was counting myself a couple of years younger than I am! When I realized I had it all wrong and what my actual age will be next month, I was really taken aback. Aii Yii Yii...
Number 4 - I need to take more time for myself. Over the years, I've let my hobbies slack off and the things I like to do. So I started crocheting again. Also, I like to garden and cook. So I've been taking a few classes here and there, when I see something interesting. I let myself get stagnant there for a while and that's not good.
So there.... I'll have to think on who to tag next... My brain is still fuzzy.
DIL2B is at 2 centimeters at 36 weeks. Her doctor took her off of the Procardia yesterday, so I guess she can go anytime. We are still planning a baby shower this weekend. Maybe she'll be there and maybe she won't. Hell, if she's having the baby at that time, it's likely that I won't be there either! You just never know with these things. She could stick like this for weeks. So we're kinda on pins and needles.
Husband had his super Parish Picnic Saturday. It was a huge success. And a huge time and effort investment on our part. Both of us took off work all week just to prepare. Husband was literally up there 24/7. Hard work for everyone involved. And there were a lot of people who really put their hearts into it. I sure hope everyone gets the recognition they deserve.
Now I'm paying for tagging Sara! She tagged me. The gist is to reveal 4 new things you've learned or experienced in the past 4 years and then to name 4 new things you want to achieve, try or accomplish in the next 4 years.
So here it goes..
4 Things for the Next 4 years.
Number 1 - Retire. June of next year is my slated early retirement date. I will leave gov't service with 23 active years. It's been a fine ride but I want to go do something else for a while.
Number 2 - Start a new career. Something part time that pays like full time. Doesn't everybody want something like that? If anyone knows the career path for this, let me know.
Number 3 - Get involved in foster parenting, or Big Brothers/Big Sisters. Something along those lines. It breaks my heart to see or hear about neglected kids who have no positive direction or advantage in their lives. Children don't ask to be brought into this world, they are innocents.
Number 4 - Gut my kitchen and back end of my house or travel a lot more. I'll have to choose which one. Unless I hit the lottery, I won't have the money to do both.
Now for the other side of the coin. 4 things I've figured out in the last 4 years.
Number 1 - Having a preteen daughter is both a trial and a blessing. I've always heard that raising a boy is very different from raising a girl. They weren't kidding. Hormones, drama, hysterics......Then at the same time we can have a really good time together. Peaks and valleys... But, man...those valleys can get deep. She's my daughter and my best friend.
Number 2 - I'm realizing I did a pretty decent job of raising my first child. Many times over the years I have questioned whether I have been a good parent. But, amazingly, he's turned out pretty darn good. He makes me proud.
Number 3 - I have come to realize that I'm aging. OH NO! This is not supposed to happen. I was talking to someone the other day about my upcoming birthday and totally got my age all wrong. I was counting myself a couple of years younger than I am! When I realized I had it all wrong and what my actual age will be next month, I was really taken aback. Aii Yii Yii...
Number 4 - I need to take more time for myself. Over the years, I've let my hobbies slack off and the things I like to do. So I started crocheting again. Also, I like to garden and cook. So I've been taking a few classes here and there, when I see something interesting. I let myself get stagnant there for a while and that's not good.
So there.... I'll have to think on who to tag next... My brain is still fuzzy.